Investigación en la Selva Tropical Húmeda

La mayor parte del departamento del Petén pertenece a este bioma, incluyendo la Biósfera Maya con los Parques Nacionales de Tikal, Mirador, Yaxhá y Laguna del Tigre. Se caracteriza por una precipitación anual entre 1000 y 2500 mm.
selva tropical húmeda

Investigaciones recientes:

Monitoreo y manejo de poblaciones de aves de caza en concesiones comunitarias de la Biósfera Maya.
Investigador: Erick Baur, Institución: WCS.

Inventario biológico de varias áreas de Petén. Institución: CECON, UVG.


La lista incluye publicaciones con enfoque en la Selva Tropical Húmeda. Ver también la lista completa de publicaciones ornitológicas para trabajos con un enfoque más amplio.

Baker, A.J. & D.F. Whitacre (1993): Abstract: Orange-breasted falcon reproduction, density, and behavior in northern Central America. Journal of Raptor Research 27: 64. (Abstr. presentation, annu. meet. Raptor Research Foundation, Inc., Bellevue, Washington, 11-15 November, 1992).

Baker, A. J. (1998): Status and breeding biology, ecology, and behavior of the Orange-breasted Falcon (Falco deiroleucus) in Guatemala and Belize. M.Sc. thesis, Brigham Young University.

Baker, A. J., O.A. Aguirre-Barrera, W. Morales & D.F. Whitacre (1995): Abstract: Orange-breasted falcon (Falco deiroleucus) breeding biology, nesting sites and distribution in Guatemala and Belize. Journal of Raptor Research 29: 52.

Baker, A. J., D. F. Whitacre & O. Aguirre B. J. (1996): Observations of King Vultures (Sarcoramphus papa) drinking and bathing. Raptor Research 30: 246-247.

Baker, A. J., D. F. Whitacre, O. A. Aguirre-Barrera, J. López A. & C. M. White (1999): Observations of a Double-toothed Kite Harpagus bidentatus hawking bats. J. Raptor Research 33: 343-344.

Baker, A. J., O. A. Aguirre-Barrera & C. M. White (1999): First record of a Bare-throated Tiger-Heron Tigrisoma mexicanum nesting on a cliff ledge. Ornitología Neotropical 10: 239-240.

Baker, A. J., O. A. Aguirre-Barrera, D. F. Whitacre & C. M. White (2000): First record of a Barred Forest-Falcon (Micrastur ruficollis) nesting in a cliff pothole. Ornitología Neotropical 11: 81-82.

Baker, A. J., D. F. Whitacre, O. Aguirre B. & C. White (2000): Status of the Orange-breasted Falcon (Falco deiroleucus) in Mesoamerica: a disjunct, vulnerable population. Bird Conservation International 10: 29-40.

Beavers, R. A. (1992): The Birds of Tikal: An Annotated Checklist for Tikal National Park and Peten, Guatemala. Texas A&M University Press.

Beavers, R. A., D. J. Delaney, C. W. Leahy & G. F. Oatman (1991): New and noteworthy bird records from Petén, Guatemala, including Tikal National Park. Bull. Brit. Ornithol. Club 111: 77-90.

Boyce, D.A., Jr. (1980): Hunting and prenesting behavior of the Orange-breasted Falcon. Raptor Research 14: 35-39.

Burnham, W. A., D. F. Whitacre & J. P. Jenny (1994): The Maya Project: use of raptors as tools for conservation and ecological monitoring of biological diversity. Pp. 257-264 In: Meyburg, B.-U. & R. D. Chancellor, eds., Raptor conservation today. World Working Group on Birds of Prey, The Pica Press.

Castillo, M. (2001): Caracterización de la avifauna asociada al los sistemas acuáticos del Parque Nacional Laguna del Tigre, Petén, Guatemala. Tesis de Licenciatura, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Guatemala.

Draheim, G. (1991): Abstract: Life history of the White Hawk in Guatemala. Journal of Raptor Research 25: 153.

Draheim, G. (1993): Abstract: Breeding biology in the White Hawk in Guatemala. Raptor Research 27: 68.

Draheim, G. (1995): Breeding biology and habitat requirements of the White Hawk (Leucopternis albicollis) in Guatemala. M.Sc. thesis, Boise State University.

Eisermann, K. & C. Avendaño (in press): Record of American White Pelican Pelecanus erythrorhynchos in interior Guatemala. Cotinga 22.

Gerhardt, R.P., P.M. Harris & M.A. Vasquez-Marroquín (1992): Abstract: Observations and food habits of nesting Great Black Hawks in Tikal National Park, Guatemala. Journal of Raptor Research 27: 70.

Gerhardt, R.P., P.M. Harris & M.A. Vásquez M. (1993): Abstract: Observations and food habits of nesting Great Black-hawks in Tikal National Park, Guatemala. Raptor Research 27: 70.

Gerhardt, R. P., D. McA. Gerhardt, C. J. Flattern & N. B. González (1994): The food habits of sympatric Ciccaba owls in northern Guatemala. Journal of Field Ornithology 65: 258-264.

Gerhardt, R. P., N. Bonilla G., D. M. Gerhardt & C. J. Flatten (1994): Breeding biology and home range of two Ciccaba owls. Wilson Bulletin 106: 629-639.

Gerhardt, R. P. & D. M. Gerhardt (1997): Size, dimorphism, and related characteristics of Ciccaba owls from Guatemala. U.S. Dept. Agric., For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-190: 190-196.

Gerhardt, R. P., D. M. Gerhardt & M. A. Vásquez (1997): Siblicide in Swallow-tailed Kites. Wilson Bulletin 109: 112-120.

Gerhardt, R. P. & D. M. Gerhardt (1997): Size, dimorphism and related characteristics of Ciccaba owls from Guatemala. Pp. 190-196 In Duncan, J. R., D. H. Johnson, & T. H. Nicholls (eds.): Biology and conservation of owls of the Northern Hemisphere: 2nd international symposium: February 5-9, 1997, Winnipeg, MB. Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-190. St. Paul, MN, U.S.D.A. Forest Service, North Central Research Station.

Gerhardt, R. P., D. M. Gerhardt, M. A. Vásquez (2004): Food delivered to nests of Swallow-tailed Kites in Tikal national park, Guatemala. Condor 106: 177-181.

Gilardi, J. D. & K. von Kugelgen (1991): Bird/ant/acacia symbioses in a mature Neotropical forest. Wilson Bulletin 103: 711-712.

Gonzáles, M. J. (1992): Determinación de las características de hábitat preferido por el Pavo Ocelado (Agriocharis ocellata) en el Parque Nacional Tikal, Guatemala. Tesis de Maestría, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica.

González, M. J., H. B. Quigley & C. I. Taylor (1998): Habitat use and reproductive ecology of the Ocellated Turkey in Tikal National Park, Guatemala. The Wilson Bulletin 110: 505-510.

González-García, F., D. M. Brooks & S. D. Strahl (2001): Estado de conservación de los Cracidos en Mexico y Centro América. Pp. 1-50 in Brooks, D. M. & F. González-García (eds.). Cracid ecology and conservation in the new millenium. Misc. Pub. Houston Mus. Nat. Science, Publ. 2.

Lyon, B. & A. Kuhnigk (1985): Observations of nesting Ornate Hawk-Eagles in Guatemala. Wilson Bull. 97: 141-147.

Madrid, J., W. Burnham, & D. Whitacre (1995): The Peregrine Fund’s Maya Project: conservation education in Central American tropical forests. pp. 160-161 In Bissonette, J. A. & P. R. Krausman (eds.): Integrating people and wildlife for a sustainable future. Proceedings of the first International Wildlife Management Congress. The Wildlife Society, Bethesda, Md.

Madrid, J., C. Marroquin V., T. Dubon O., M. D. Schulze, J. Hunt, & D. F. Whitacre (1995): Monitoring population parameters of a wintering migrant songbird, the Kentucky Warbler: persistence pays. pp 479-483 In Bissonette, J. A. & P. R. Krausman (eds.): Integrating people and wildlife for a sustainable future. Proceedings of the first International Wildlife Management Congress. The Wildlife Society, Bethesda, Md.

Molina, W. O. (1998): Caracterización de la avifauna y estimación de las densidades poblacionales relativas de 54 especies de aves en Carmelita, San Andrés, Petén, Guatemala. Tesis de Licenciatura, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Guatemala.

Panasci, T.A. (1994): Abstract: Effects of habitat alteration on the breeding density and productivity of Roadside Hawks in the Petén, Guatemala. Raptor Research 28: 63.

Panasci, T A. (1995): Comparative breeding ecology and success of Roadside Hawks in human-modified forest habitats of Petén, Guatemala. M.Sc. thesis, Boise State University.

Panasci, T. & D. Whitacre (2000): Diet and foraging behavior of nesting Roadside Hawks in Petén, Guatemala. Wilson Bulletin 112: 555-558.

Parker, M. (1991): Abstract: Breeding biology of Laughing Falcons in rainforest and agricultural lands of the Petén, Guatemala. Journal of Raptor Research 25: 158.

Parker, M. (1993): Abstract: Dietary and energetic analysis of Bat Falcon pairs during the breeding season in Tikal, Guatemala. Journal of Raptor Research 27: 78.

Parker, M. (1997): Ecology of nesting Laughing Falcons and Bat Falcons in Tikal National Park, Guatemala: foraging and niche breadth. M.Sc. thesis, Boise State University.

Pérez, E. S. (1998): Evaluación del habitat disponible para la guacamaya roja (Ara macao) en Peten, Guatemala. Tesis de Licenciatura, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Guatemala.

Pérez, E. S. & M. L. Castillo Villeda (2000): A rapid assessment of avifaunal diversity in aquatic habitats of Laguna del Tigre National Park, Petén, Guatemala. In Bestelmeyer, B. T. & L. A. Alonso (ed.): A biological assessment of Laguna del Tigre National Park, Petén, Guatemala. RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment, No. 16, p. 56-60. Conservation International.

Ramírez Zea, C. B. (1997): Fenología reproductiva de 14 especies preferidas para alimentación por fauna cinegeticaen el bosque húmedo tropical de Parque Nacional Tikal, Petén, Guatemala. Tesis de Licenciatura, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Guatemala.

Salvin, O. & F. D. Godman (1879-1904): Biologia Centrali-Americana. Aves. Vols. 1-4. Taylor & Francis, London.

Schulze, M. D., J. L. Córdova, N. E. Seavy & D. F. Whitacre (2000): Behavior, diet, and breeding biology of Double-toothed Kites at a Guatemalan lowland site. Condor 102: 113-126.

Seavy, N. E., D. F. Whitacre & M. Córdova (1997): First record of the Speckled Mourer (Laniocera rufescens) for the Petén department of Guatemala. Ornitología Neotropical 8: 245-246.

Seavy, N. E., M. D. Schulze, D. F. Whitacre & M. A. Vásquez (1997): Diet and hunting behavior of the Plumbeous Kite. Wilson Bulletin 109: 526-532.

Seavy, N. E., M. D. Schulze & D. Whitacre (1997): Two Plumbeous Kites (Ictinia plumbea) capture swallow. J. Raptor Research 31: 289.

Seavy, N. E. & R. P. Gerhardt (1998): Breeding biology and nestling diet of the Great Black-Hawk. J. Raptor Research 32: 175-177.

Seavy, N. E., M. D. Schulze, D. F. Whitacre & M. A. Vasquez (1998): Breeding biology and behavior of the Plumbeous Kite. Wilson Bulletin 110: 77-85.

Smithe, F. B. (1966): The birds of Tikal. Natural History Press, New York.

Sutter, J. (1995): Abstract: Ecology of the Crane Hawk in Tikal National Park, Guatemala. Jorunal of Raptor Research 29: 68.

Sutter, J. (1999): Ecology of the Crane Hawk (Geranospiza caerulescens) in Tikal National Park, Guatemala. M.S thesis, Boise State University.

Sutter, J., W. E. Martínez, A. Francisco Oliva T., N. Oswaldo J. & D. F. Whitacre (2001): Diet and hunting behavior of the Crane Hawk in Tikal National Park, Guatemala. Condor 103: 70-77.

Taibel, A. M. (1955): Uccelli del Guatemala con speciale riguardo alla regione del Peten raccolti dal Maggio al Settembre 1932. Atti. Soc. Italiana Sci. Nat. 94: 15-84.

Thorstrom, R. (1993): Breeding biology, food habits and home range of the Barred Forest-falcon (Micrastur ruficollis) in Guatemala. Journal of Raptor Research 27:, 83.

Thorstrom, R. (1993): Breeding ecology of two species of forest-falcons (Micrastur) in northeastern Guatemala. M.Sc. thesis, Boise State University.

Thorstrom, R. (1996): Fruit-eating behavior of a Barred Forest-Falcon. J. Raptor Research 30: 44.

Thorstrom, R. (1996): Methods for capturing tropical forest birds of prey. Wildlife Society Bulletin 24: 516-520.

Thorstrom, R. (1997): A description of nests and behavior of the Gray-headed Kite. Wilson Bulletin 109, 173-177.

Thorstrom, R. (2000): The food habits of sympatric forest-falcons during the breeding season in northeastern Guatemala. J. Raptor Research 34: 196-202.

Thorstrom, R. (2001): Nest-site characteristics and breeding density of two sympatric forest-falcons in Guatemala. Ornitologia Neotropical 12: 337-343.

Thorstrom, R. K., C. W. Turley, F. G. Ramírez & B. A. Gilroy (1990): Descriptions of nests, eggs, and young of the Barred Forest-Falcon (Micrastur ruficollis) and of the Collared Forest-Falcon (M. semitorquatus). Condor 92: 237-239.

Thorstrom, R. K. & C. Mateo M. (1993): Abstract: Breeding biology, food habits, and home range of the Barred Forest Falcon (Micrastur gilvicollis) in Guatemala. Journal of Raptor Research 27: 83.

Thorstrom, R. & L. F. Kiff (1999): Notes on eggs of the Bicolored Hawk Accipiter bicolor. Journal of Raptor Research 33: 244-247.

Thorstrom, R. K., J. D. Ramos & C. M. Morales (2000): Breeding biology of the Barred Forest-Falcon Micrastur ruficollis in northeastern Guatemala. Auk 117: 781-786.

Thorstrom, R. K., J. D. Ramos & J. M. Castillo (2000): Breeding biology and behavior of the Collared Forest-Falcon Micrastur semitorquatus in Guatemala. Ornitología Neotropical 11: 1-12.

Thorstrom, R. & A. Quixchán (2000): Breeding biology and nest-site characteristics of the Bicolored Hawk in Guatemala. Wilson Bulletin 112: 195-202.

Thorstrom, R., J. Ramos & J. María C. (2000): Breeding and behavior of the Collared Forest-Falcon (Micrastur semitorquatus) in Guatemala. Ornitologia Neotropical 11: 1-12.

Thorstrom, R. K., C. M. Morales & J. D. Ramos (2001): Fidelity to territory. nest site and mate, survivorship, and reproduction of two sympatric forest-falcons. Journal of Raptor Research 35: 98-106.

Thorstrom, R., R. Watson, A. Baker, S. Ayers, D. L. Anderson (2002): Preliminary ground and aerial surveys for Orange-breasted Falcons in Central America. Journal of Raptor Research 36: 39-44.

Van Tyne, J. (1935): The birds of northern Peten, Guatemala. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., Misc. Publ. 27.

Whitacre, D. F. (1998): The Peregrine Fund’s Maya Project: ecological research, habitat conservation, and development of human resources in the Maya Forest. Pp. 241-266In R. B. Primack, D. B. Bray, H. A. Galletti, and I. Ponciano (eds.), Timber, tourists, and temples: conservation and development in the Maya forest of Belize, Guatemala, and México. Island Press.

Whitacre, D. F. (1999): El Proyecto Maya del Fondo Peregrino: investigación ecológica, conservación del hábitat y desarrollo de recursos humanos en la Selva Maya. Pp. 284-311 In Primack, R. B. , D. Bray, H. A. Galletti, & I. Ponciano (eds.): La Selva Maya: conservación y desarrollo. Siglo Veintiuno Editores, S. A. de C. V., México, D. F., México.

Whitacre, D. F. (ed., in press): Raptors of the Maya forest: Ecology of of a Neotropical raptor community. Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca, N.Y.

Whitacre, D. F., J. Madrid M., C. Marroquín, M. Schulze, L. Jones, J. Sutter & A. J. Baker (1993): Migrant songbirds, habitat change, and conservation prospects in northern Petén, Guatemala: Some initial results. Pp: 339-345 In Finch, D. M. & P. W. Stangel (eds.): Status and managment of Neotropical migratory birds., U.S. Dept. Of Agriculture, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experimental Station, Fort Collins, Colorado.

Whitacre, D. F., J. Madrid M., C. Marroquín V., T. Dubón O., N. O. Jurado, W. R. Tobar, B. González C. A. Arévalo O., G. García C., M. D. Schulze, L. Jones Sutter, J. Sutter & A. J. Baker (1995): Slash-and-burn farming and bird conservation in northern Petén, Guatemala. pp. 215-225 In Wilson, M. H. & S. A. Sader (eds.): Conservation of Neotropical migratory birds in México. Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station Misc. Pub. No. 727.

Whitacre, D. F. & C. M. Miller (1999): Bird survey protocols. Pp. 43-52 In Carr, A. III & A. C. de Stoll (eds.): Biological monitoring in the Selva Maya. U.S. Man and the Biosphere/Tropical Ecosystem Directorate and Wildlife Conservation Society, Gainesville, Florida.

Whitacre, D.F. & W.A. Burnham (2001): Building human resources for conservation on the Tropical Forest Frontier: an example from Guatemala’s Maya Project. Pp. 207-222 In Albuquerque, J.L.B., J.F. Cândido, Jr., F.C. Straube, & A.L. Roos (eds.): Ornitologia e Conservação da Ciência às Estratégias. Editora Unisul, Tubarão, Brazil.


Literatura gris:

Baker, A. J., J. P. Jenny & D. F. Whitacre (1992): Orange-breasted Falcon reproduction, density, and behavior in Guatemala and Belize. Pp. 217-224 In D.F. Whitacre & R.K. Thorstrom (eds. 1992: Progress report V, 1992: Maya Project - use of raptors and other fauna as environmental indicators for design, management, and monitoring of protected areas and for building local capacity for conservation in Latin America. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, ID.

Baker, A. J. and O. Aguirre-Barrera (1996): Abstract: Breeding biology and ecology of the orange-breasted falcon (Falco deiroleucus) in Guatemala and Belize. 114th stated meeting of the American Ornithologists’ Union and 1996 annual meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation. AOU and RRF, Boise, Idaho. August 13-17.

Baker, A. J., O. Aguirre B., D. F. Whitacre & C. M. White (1996): Abstract: Breeding biology and ecology of the Orange-breasted Falcon (Falco deiroleucus) in Guatemala and Belize. Second International Conference on Raptors, 2-5 October 1996, Urbino, Italy.

Baumgarten, A. (1998): Diversidad de la ornitofauna del PNLT, Petén durante marzo a junio de 1998. Universidad de San Carlos Guatemala / PROPETEN.

Baumgarten A. (1998): Estudio de las aves del Parque Nacional Laguna del Tigre, Petén, durante la estación seca de 1998. Informe final del Ejercicio Profesional Supervisado, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala.

Baur, E. (1998): Final report: Study of subsistence hunting in the forestry concession of Carmelita, San Andrés, Petén. Propeten / Conservation International, Guatemala.

Burnham, W. A. (1989: Training of Guatemalan personnel and graduate research. Pp. 19-20 In W.A. Burnham, J.P. Jenny & C.W. Turley (eds. 1989): Progress report II, 1989: Maya Project - use of raptors as environmental indices for design and management of protected areas and for building local capacity for conservation in Latin America. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, ID.

Burnham, W. A. (1990): Training of Guatemalan personnel and graduate research. Pp. 23-24 In W.A. Burnham, D.F. Whitacre, and J.P. Jenny, eds. Progress report III, 1990: Maya Project - use of raptors as environmental indices for design and management of protected areas for building local capacity for conservation in Latin America. The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Boise, ID.

Burnham, W. A., J. P. Jenny & C. W. Turley (eds. 1988): Progress report, 1988. Maya Project: investigation of raptors and their habitats as environmental indicators for preserving biodiversity and tropical forests of Latin America. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, Idaho. 53 pp.

Burnham, W. A., J. P. Jenny & C. W. Turley (eds. 1989): Progress report II, 1989. Maya Project: use of raptors as environmental indices for design and management of protected areas and for building local capacity for conservation in Latin America. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, Idaho. 134 pp.

Burnham, W. A., D. F. Whitacre & J. P. Jenny, (eds. 1990): Progress report III, 1990: Maya Project-use of raptors as environmental indices for design and management of protected areas and for building local capacity for conservation in Latin America. The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Boise, Idaho. 201 pp.

Castillo, M. L. (1999). Estandarización de la metodología para estimar la distribución y abundancia de aves asociadas a sistemas acuáticos en el Parque Nacional Laguna del Tigre. PROPETEN, Guatemala.

Cleaveland, E.C. & G. Draheim (1990): 1990 habitat analysis and further characterization of four study areas in Guatemala, Belize, and Mexico. Pp. 93-104 In W.A. Burnham, D.F. Whitacre, and J.P. Jenny (eds.): Progress report III, 1990: Maya Project - use of raptors as environmental indices for design and management of protected areas and for building local capacity for conservation in Latin America. The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Boise, ID.

Hernández, A.E., J.L. Córdova & D. Whitacre (1993): [Songbirds, habitat change, and the possibilities for conservation in the northern Petén, Guatemala: some preliminary results] Aves cantoras, cambio del habitat, y las posibilidades para la conservacion en el Norte de Petén, Guatemala: algunos resultados preliminares . Pp. 41-43 In D.F. Whitacre, R.K. Thorstrom &d W.A. Burnham, eds. [Progress report VI, 1992: Maya Project: use of raptors and other fauna as environmental indicators for design, management, and monitoring of protected areas and for building local capacity for conservation in Latin America]. The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Boise, ID.

Hunt, J., M. Schulze, N. Seavy & D. Whitacre (1993): [Comparative impacts of the types of management and forest extraction in Cooperativa Bethel, Petén, Guatemala: a preliminary study] Impactos comparativos de dos tipos de manejo y extraccion forestal en Cooperative Bethel, Petén, Guatemala: un estudio preliminar. Pp. 114-137 In D.F. Whitacre, R.K. Thorstrom & W.A. Burnham, eds. [Progress report VI, 1992: Maya Project: use of raptors and other fauna as environmental indicators for design, management, and monitoring of protected areas and for building local capacity for conservation in Latin America]. The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Boise, ID.

Jenny, J.P. & T.J. Cade (1985): Abstract: Observations on the ecology and behavior of the orange-breasted falcon (Falco deiroleucus). Abstract of paper. In: 1985 Raptor Research Foundation Symposium on the Management of Birds of Prey: International Meeting, Abstracts of papers. Sacramento, California, November 1-10, 1985. Page 4.

Méndez, C., C. Barrientos, F. Castaneda & R. Rodas (1998): Programa de monitoreo, Unidad de manejo de Laguna del Tigre. Los estudios base para su establecimiento. PROPETEN / Conservation International, Guatemala.

Ordoñez, N. (1999): Estudio comparado de la ornitofauna del PNLT durante las estaciones seca y lluviosa de 1998. Universidad de San Carlos Guatemala / PROPETEN.

Pérez, S. (1997): Diversidad de especies de aves en 2 estados sucesionales y bosque primario del área de influencia de la Estación Biológica "Las Guacamayas." Universidad de San Carlos Guatemala / PROPETEN.

Pérez Consuegra, S. G., P. H. A. Kihn Pineda, J. E. Morales Can, N. A. Castillo Lemus, F. Ramírez, E. B. Cano Dávila, R. A. García Anleu, J. E. Ordoñez Betancourt, M. E. Flores, A. L. Higueros Solis, M. E. Acevedo Miranda, C. R. Vásquez Almazán, C. L. Burgos Barrios, H. H. Enríquez Toledo & H. K. Piérola Kyllmann (2001): Caracterización ecológica de los biotopos Chocón Machacas, Izabal y Cerro Cahuí, Petén. Informe final. Centro de Estudios Conservacionistas. Programa Universitario de Investigación en Recursos Naturales y Ambiente, Dirección General de Investigación. Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. Guatemala.

Radachowsky, J. (2002): Monitoreo de la integridad ecológica de la Reserva de la Biosfera Maya, Petén, Guatemala. Reporte anual 2002, componente guacamayas. Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS).

Schulze, M. D. & D. F. Whitacre (1996): Effects of logging on Neotropical bird and tree community composition. Technical report to U.S. Man and the Biosphere Program, Tropical Ecosystems Directorate. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, Idaho. 25 pp.

Seavy, N. E., D. F. Whitacre & M. Córdova A. (1995): Yaxhá/Nakum area of the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala: baseline ecological assessment, establishment of a framework for ecological monitoring, and training of local personnel. Report to The Nature Conservancy. The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Boise, Idaho. 46 pp.

The Peregrine Fund, I.D.W. (1994): Maya Project: conservation training and research in tropical forests of northern Central America. Annual report to U.S. Agency for International Development, Guatemalan Mission, for the Year 1993. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, ID.

Vannini, J.P. (1989): Captive reproduction and successful reintroduction of Spectacled Owls (Pulsastrix perspicillata) in Guatemala. Pp. 105-110 In W.A. Burnham, J.P. Jenny, and C.W. Turley (eds.) Progress report II, 1989: Maya Project - use of raptors as environmental indices for design and management of protected areas and for building local capacity for conservation in Latin America. The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Boise, ID.

Whitacre, D.F. (1992): Conservation of migrant songbirds: inventory, monitoring and research on populations wintering in the Maya/Calakmul Biosphere Reserve Complex, Guatemala and Mexico. Final report to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Boise, ID.

Whitacre, D. F. (1993): Recomendaciones para el manejo de la Reserva Biósfera Maya: consideraciones para el mantenimiento de la diversidad biológica y la integridad ecológica. The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Boise, Idaho. 43 pp.

Whitacre, D. F. (1994): Recomendaciones para el manejo de la Reserva Biósfera Maya, II: 1994: consideraciones para el mantenimiento de la diversidad biológica y la integridad ecológica. The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Boise, Idaho. 40 pp.

Whitacre, D. (1994): Neotropical migrants in Guatemala, II. Final report to National Fish and Wildlife Foundation for 1993. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, ID.

Whitacre, D.F. (1995): Recommendations for the management of the Maya Biosphere Reserve, IIL 1994. Report to Consejo Nacional de Areas Protegedas de Guatemala (CONAP), 5 April 1995. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, ID.

Whitacre, D. F. (1996): Factores y procesos principales que amenazan la diversidad y integridad biológica de la Reserva de la Biósfera Maya. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, Idaho. 39 pp.

Whitacre, D. F. (1996): A draft ecological monitoring program for the Maya Biosphere Reserve. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, Idaho. 44 pp.

Whitacre, D. F. (1996) Un programa de monitoreo ecológico para la Reserva de la Biósfera Maya: borrador circulado para comentario. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, ID. 48 pp.

Whitacre, D. F. (1996): Main factors and processes threatening biological diversity and integrity of the Maya Biosphere Reserve, and recommendations for reducing and/or mitigating these impacts. A report to CONAP and USAID. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, Idaho. 36 pp.

Whitacre, D. F. (1997): El estado de la Reserva de la Biósfera Maya en 1996. The Peregrine Fund, Consejo Nacional de Areas Protegidas de Guatemala, and U. S. Agency for International Development. 26 pp.

Whitacre, D. F. (1997): An ecological monitoring program for the Maya Biosphere Reserve. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, Idaho. 121 pp.

Whitacre, D. F. (1997): Actividades y logros del "Proyecto Maya" del Fondo Peregrino desde 1 Octubre 1995 hasta 1 Abril 1997. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, Idaho. 22 pp.

Whitacre, D.F., C.W. Turley & E.C. Cleaveland (1990): Preliminary comparisons of relative abundance of raptor species in primary forest and human-altered habitats at and near Tikal National Park, Guatemala. Pp. 67-70 In W.A. Burnham, D.F. Whitacre & J.P. Jenny, eds. Progress report III, 1990: Maya Project - use of raptos as environmental indices for design and management of protected areas for building local capacity for conservation in Latin America. The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Boise, ID.

Whitacre, D.F. & J.P. Jenny (1991): Orange-breasted Falcon survey work in Guatemala. Pp. 137-143 In D.F. Whitacre, W.A. Burnham & J.P. Jenny (eds.): Progress report VI, 1992: Maya Project - use of raptors and other fauna as environmental indicators for design, management, and monitoring of protected areas and for building local capacity for conservation in Latin America. The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Boise, ID.

Whitacre, D. F., W. A. Burnham & J. P. Jenny, (eds. 1991): Progress report IV, 1991: Maya Project--use of raptors and other fauna as environmental indicators for design, management, and monitoring of protected areas and for building local capacity for conservation in Latin America. The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Boise, Idaho. 185 pp.

Whitacre, D.F. & W.A. Burnham (1992): Conservation of migrant songbirds: inventory, monitoring and research on populations wintering in the Maya/Calakmul Biosphere Reserve Complex, Guatemala and Mexico. Final report to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Boise, ID.

Whitacre, D. F. & R. K. Thorstrom, (eds. 1992): Progress report V, 1992: Maya Project-use of raptors and other fauna as environmental indicators for design, management, and monitoring of protected areas and for building local capacity for conservation in Latin America. The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Boise, Idaho. 259 pp.

Whitacre, D. F., R. K. Thorstrom & W. A. Burnham (1993): Reporte de avance VI: 1993-Proyecto Maya: uso de aves rapaces y otra fauna como indicadores del medio ambiente, para el diseño y manejo de áreas protegidas y para fortalecer la capacidad local para la conservación en América Latina. The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Boise, Idaho. 137 pp.

Whitacre, D.F., J. Madrid M., C. Marroquín, M. Schulze, L. Jones, J. Sutter & A.J. Baker (1993): [Slash-and-burn agriculture and the conservation of birds in northern Petén, Guatemala] Agricultura Tala-y-quema y la conservacion de las aves en el Norte del Petén, Guatemala. Pp. 52-80 In D.F. Whitacre, R.K. Thorstrom & W.A. Burnham (eds.) [Progress report VI, 1992: Maya Project: use of raptors and other fauna as environmental indicators for design, management, and monitoring of protected areas and for building local capacity for conservation in Latin America]. The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Boise, ID.

Whitacre, D. F., M. Schulze & N. Seavy (1995): Habitat affinities of a Central American forest avifauna: implications for conservation in Neotropical slash-and-burn farming landscapes. Technical report to U.S. Man and the Biosphere Program. The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Boise, Idaho. 21 pp.

Whitacre, D. F. & D. F. Seavy (1996): Algunas áreas de la Reserva de la Biósfera Maya recomendadas para protección estricta. A report to CONAP and USAID. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, Idaho. 20 pp.

Whitacre, D. F., M. D. Schulze & N. Seavy (1997): Ecological impacts of current land-use activities in the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala: effects of shifting cultivation and selective logging on forest bird and tree community composition. Final technical report to U. S. Man and the Biosphere Program, Tropical Ecosystems Directorate. 47 pp.

Whitacre, D. F., M. D. Schulze & N. Seavy (1997): Conservation in modified Neotropical forest landscapes: some lessons from Petén, Guatemala. General report to U. S. Man and the Biosphere Program, Tropical Ecosystems Directorate. 6 pp.

Whitacre, D., R.D. Bjork, O. Aguirre B., M. Córdova A. & J. López A. (2002): :Abstract: Current status and distribution of the Harpy Eagle in Guatemala [Estado actual y distribución del Águila Harpía en Guatemala]. Pp. 17-18 in Conferencia sobre Aves Rapaces Neotropicales y Simposio del Águila Arpía . Fondo Peregrino - Panamá, Panamá City, Panamá.


Publicaciones por Internet:
The Peregrine Fund (Fondo Peregrino) / Proyecto Maya.
Resumen del Proyecto Maya, por David Whitacre.
Diseño y manejo de una red de reservas en el bosque húmedo tropical de bajura: utilizando los requisitos espaciales, de sitio y de hábitat de los loros reales como guía. Resumen del proyecto, por Robin Bjork.
Guacamayas rojas y las aves migratorias como herramientas para la Conservación del Parque Nacional Laguna del Tigre, Petén, Guatemala. Resumen del proyecto, por Miriam Castillo.

Instituciones involucradas:

The Peregrine Fund: Proyecto Maya (Investigación de rapaces, capacitación de personas locales como registradores de aves)

USAC, PROPETEN: Investigaciones ornitológicas básicas de Parque Nacional Laguna del Tigre

CI, PROPETEN, USAC, CONAP, CECON, CÄNAN KAAX, CONAMA: Programa de Evaluación Rápida en el Parque Nacionál Laguna del Tigre

Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS): Investigaciones Ara macao, Amazona farinosa, Meleagris ocellata.
Parque Nacional Tikal
Foto © Knut Eisermann


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